Post COVID-19: Stimulating Organisational Entrepreneurship

Posted by Ragnar Agnell on Sep 30, 2020 11:38:05 AM

The level of entrepreneurship in an economy is cyclical, and historically precedes the economic cycle. The post-pandemic recovery of the global economy, nations and value chains will rely on the level of entrepreneurship to increase and lift new and existing organisations and ultimately whole economies. Never before in most people’s working lives has the entrepreneurial spirit been more important for organisations to survive, innovate, explore opportunities and thrive through the down-turn triggered by the pandemic and beyond.

Tags: Affärsutveckling Förändringsledning Innovation Agile Customer Service Entreprenörskap Trends Verksamhetsutveckling Centigo-kultur

Post COVID-19, Sustainable Recovery to Build Back Better

Posted by Ragnar Agnell on Jul 23, 2020 2:21:28 PM

Many are worried that sustainability will not be prioritised as societies and businesses are gradually recovering from the effects of the pandemic. Such concerns are based on the observation that companies as well as consumers are struggling just to survive and that any investments whatsoever in sustainability will be considered a non-affordable luxury.

Tags: Affärsutveckling Retail Innovation Digitisation Trends Transformation Verksamhetsutveckling Centigo-kultur