Post COVID-19, Sweating the Assets

Posted by Kevin Bell on Jul 7, 2020 5:15:22 PM

Without a shadow of doubt COVID-19 has been the most devastating circumstance to hit the global business environment since The Great Depression which began in the USA on 4th September 1929 with a sudden dramatic fall in stock prices and subsequently led to the Wall Street stock-market crash of 29th October 1929 (Black Tuesday). Depending on who’s commentary you believe, the austerity caused by The Great Depression lasted up to the beginning of World War II, some ten years later, and drove down world GDP by an estimated 15%. By contrast, COVID-19 has been with us now for only six months and is widely being forecast1 to drive down the GDP of some major industrialised nations2 by almost the same percentage in 2020 alone. The ongoing effects will be felt for some years to come with uncertainty in the financial markets making access to capital increasingly difficult for businesses attempting to emerge from under the cloud of COVID-19 and return to full trading status.

Tags: Affärsutveckling HR Transformation Centigo-kultur

Post COVID-19, Place your bets!

Posted by Kevin Bell on Jun 17, 2020 9:00:00 PM

As business leaders we have all spent time postulating what the next “disruptor” might be and where it might come from. A “game changer”. Something that will create for us a “paradigm shift” in the business ecosystem.  Well, COVID-19 has certainly achieved all those benchmarks, though with none of the desired upsides we originally had in mind for the concept! Whilst we believe its origins to be in China, the virus has swept at enormous speed across the globe with a consummate disrespect for international borders like a tyrannical version of the “invisible hand” first described by the renowned economist Adam Smith in his magnus opus “The Wealth of Nations”1. Only this time, it was acting with malicious intent, toppling corporate empires as it went leaving behind it a wake of destruction and uncertainty in the economy. For most organisations demand has dried up as customers tighten their belts, operations have been suspended as they go into lockdown, people have been furloughed or lost forever to the job market, the supply base is falling into terminal disrepair and the best laid strategies, plans and aspirations of corporate executives in every sector lay in tatters before their eyes.

Tags: Affärsutveckling Förändringsledning Transformation Centigo-kultur

Vad är din personliga affärsmodell?

Posted by Tobias Enholm on Oct 23, 2019 3:45:21 PM

Som konsult arbetar man ofta med att hjälpa kunder utveckla deras organisation, affär, eller sätt att arbeta. Men vi är många som skulle ha nytta av att beskriva vår personliga affärsmodell.

Tags: Karriär Managementkonsult Centigo-kultur