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Online communities_Albin Johansson_Viktor Mikaelsson-049469-edited
Viktor Mikaelsson04 jan 20181 min read

Online communities are challenging traditional customer service – are you challenged or a challenger?

Are you sick of waiting in line for hours to get the answer to your question about a simple problem? 72% of all customers want to avoid calling customer support at all costs. They would rather find the answer themselves online. An online community enables that!

Imagine that you have ordered a new pair of trainers from an online sports retailer. You have just received your delivery, but to your disappointment the size is wrong, the shoes are simply too small.

There is only one solution, to return the shoes and exchange them for a larger size. This time, you don’t want to risk ordering online, so you wonder if you can return them in a physical store instead. You, like 72% of your peers, do not want to call customer care; finding the answer yourself is your preferred way to go.

So, you go to the retailer’s website, find an FAQ, and you see a similar question to the one you have. The answer however is disappointing, the customer service representative has simply replied “please call customer support”. That was exactly what you wanted to avoid in the first place!

What if instead, there was a place where you could find and read about the experiences of other customers and post your own questions if the answer was not already there. An online community where customers can discuss, ask questions, and share knowledge with one another. It is likely that someone else has already experienced the same thing and knows the answer, or even better, has already shared it with the community.

Not only will this experience most likely give you the answer you seek, but also increase your overall customer experience with the retailer.

It is proven that the retailer can serve 40-60 percent of its customers through the online community while increasing its NPS with as much as 20 points.

Can your company afford to stick to traditional customer service as your competitors move to conversational service?

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/ Viktor Mikaelsson & Albin Johansson



Viktor Mikaelsson