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Agil utveckling

Lead agile development

Unlock potential and maximise digital product value

Every organisation has the potential to develop innovative and value-creating digital products and services, yet the challenge lies in successfully executing investments to swiftly deliver them to your customers and market.

We know that an iterative approach, where the product is continuously evaluated by the target audience from the early stages, leads to enhanced delivery and precision. Through continuous and close operational engagement and rapid delivery to users, we enable you to unlock the full potential and extract maximum value from your products.

Development work achieves maximised business value by:

  • Facilitating vision and needs to unite teams on direction
  • Evaluating and choosing the right solution alternatives
  • Setting up development work for maximum impact and swift output
  • Embracing an agile mindset and introducing appropriate supporting structures
  • Providing the ability to lead development work and involve business experts
  • Combining technical expertise with business understanding
  • Ensuring teams address customer journey, design, solution, and development
  • Coaching and working on continuous improvement
Utvecklingsarbetet måste ledas med mål om maximerat affärsvärde

Strong leadership in development work is crucial for:

  • Ensuring that the right business value is realised quickly and efficiently
  • Making technical choices for a sustainable and scalable product
  • Smooth and efficient development processes
  • An engaged and motivated product development team
  • Informed and included stakeholders
  • A learning process where the product and methods are constantly improved
Centigo Frida Englund

Why Centigo?

With an innovative and distinctive corporate structure and culture, we are uniquely positioned to offer our customers exceptional benefits.

We create Business Wellness companies
Based on our experience, we have developed the model and philosophy that we call Business Wellness. Using this model, we can analyse a company's ability to achieve long-term success.
Independent actor

As an independent actor, we can objectively evaluate all solutions on the market.

Holistic approach

We have a broad understanding of organisations and their supply chains, which enables optimisation and efficiency of the entire flow of goods.

Experience in leading roles

We have extensive experience in leading roles in our clients' change journeys, analyses, feasibility studies, and implementation projects.

Prioritising the change journey

Comprehensive understanding of each client's change journey, based on four central dimensions: behaviours and attitudes, information technology, processes, and organisation and governance.

Results analysis

We have extensive experience in analysing how a change affects the entire organisation and its chains, in demand planning and procurement, to ensure a more efficient flow of goods.

Talk to one of our experts

We help you create digital products that are both intuitive and enjoyable to use, delivering clear business value for your organisation.